Find Us

Llandow Circuit is easy to get to by car or public transport. Full details are provided on your booking confirmation but please use the information below to help plan your journey.

Map & Driving directions

Enter your departure point or postcode to receive driving directions

Public Transport

Transport to our premier circuit, Llandow.

109a from Belfast International Airport

Alight opposite Erwin Argi-Care on Llandow Road and walk along Dundrod Road (approx 20 minutes).

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300 and 109a from Belfast

Get off the 300 at Belfast International Airport and get on the 109a and off opposite Erwin Argi-Care on Llandow Road and walk along Dundrod Road (approx 20 minutes).

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109a from Lisburn City Centre

Alight opposite Erwin Argi-Care on Llandow Road and walk along Dundrod Road (approx 20 minutes).

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Esitmated Uber Cost from Belfast / Lisburn

Belfast: £18-£24

Lisburn: £13-£18

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